Bo Derek

Bo derek is a special most sexy woman for lusty guys, Bo derek has all ingredient to make us burn in fire of desire. Naked bo derek body is just few inches away from heaven. bo derek naked nude body is very intoxicating. The bo derek pics provided here establish this truth. To see bo derek body beauty we have to see tarzan the ape man movie. There she acted sexily that we lose our concious some times. Tarzan movie made her prominent though No 10 movie,bolero are also successfully showing her nude naked body.Bo derek pictures are inspiration for love making. Bo derek movies expose her assets, her swining bulging breasts, lovely thighs and the pelvix.
Bo derek nudes almost in every movie.
Bo derek bio: Bo derek was born in 20 November 1956 Long Beach, California, USA. Her original name was Mary Cathleen Collins. Bo derek height is 5feet 4 inches. Enough height to fuel the fire in us. one interesting point is bo derek turned down the Jessica Lange role in the 1976 remake of King Kong. That role itself was sexy in some scenes. This was discussed in this same site else where. Had bo derek acted in this film too, that would have been her another big sexy hit. Bo derek breasts are very very interesting in every picture. Half the picture goes showing those breasts .

Her measurements of breasts changed drastically. Measurements: 32-22-32 (at age 16 ), 35-23 1/2-35 1/2 (while filming "10"), 37C-22-34 ( 1983), 38-22-36 ( 1985), Why they are increasing ? Naturally, they are very attractive and attracted loads. Bo derek dating a blind date arranged by her friend. Her boy friend is John carbett. John carbett is lucky for having bo derek as his girl friend. He gets all what he wants .Though bo derek age is 50 years, she is strong and exciting.

See this exciting photo of bo derek and tarzan. Tarzan is taking away her to where ever he wants, because he got the bounty of this sexy woman free of cost in the midst of jungle. bo derek has a special , unexplainable feeling here. This strong beast is taking her away. On her back she is having the touch of weapon of tarzan, may be a knife. and front the rope is pressing at forbidden place. See her pelvic area, soo sexy.
Labels: bo derek
Wish I was that monkey in the Tarzan film ,he got to suck her nipple ,if that was me I'd still be doing retakes ,and then going down on her delicious cunt
Bo Derek Measurements Are Here.
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