paz vega spannish

If you see the movie spanglish , a woman automatically attracts your attention, if you have that sense.. she is paz vega. What a beautiful structure and what a great latina, mexico face.. she reminds us salma hayek and penelope cruz in some angles. But paz vega is taller than salma hayek and healthier than penelope cruz. Look the standing pose of paz vega here.. what a leg formation she has!!!.. Having tall and smooth legs is an asset to a young woman (not old woman) and you know why. In addition to those tall long legs, paz vega has wonderful breast formation too.
The daughter shelbie bruce , (at that time a kid now she may be a sexy girl) action while translating her mothers spanish into english , with equal action was very interesting and exciting. There is a scene where paz vega wanted to speak to adam sandler, in whose house paz is working , with little knowledge of english, ; At that point, i can see disturbance, confusion in the face of adam , and the disturbance is just because of the sexy paz personality sitting before him, but this is not known to him. .. if you donot believe see the proof in the picture enclosed.
Shelbie Bruce acted as daughter of Paz Vega and she steals the show with her wonderful action while paz vega steals with her powerful personality and bursting breasts. Look in another photo how paz vega is disturbing Adam Sandler because of her stunning body shape and powerful "assets" . The movie is quite good. The pain is to eyes because it was very difficult to concentrate at at time on top portion and legs of paz vega , as she scored marks in both areas. By the way, paz vega means peace fertile valley in spanish. She exactly fits for the meaning of her name.. she has peace in body,which is definitely fertile.. but where is valley??( oh.. i got it)

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